
May 2

Please note that TISE offices are closed on May 2. Please contact us this Monday, May 6!

Idea for Majówka – visit the Land of Chamomile!

In Hołownie (Podedwórze municipality) in the voivodeship of The Land of Chamomile operates in Lublin a thematic village run by the Association for Activation Polesie Lubelskie. Hołowno is actually a land of chamomile (which is best seen from June to August when the surrounding meadows are not only green, but also white!), which they write […]

Good Friday

Ladies and gentlemen, We would like to inform you that on Good Friday (April 19, 2019) TISE offices will not be open. We’re going back to work on Tuesday, April 23. The Board and TISE Staff wish everyone Good Easter!

TISE on the Lubusz Land

Today, TISE started preferential loans for micro and small companies in Lubusz Land. The interest rate on loans varies from 0.94 to 2.87% with no extra charge! A loan may be used to finance investments aimed at developing or strengthening the business potential of an enterprise, increasing or strengthening its market position or increasing its […]

Study visit of microfinance organizations from Greece and Bulgaria

From February 12 to 13 TISE, in cooperation with the Microfinance Center (MFC), organized a study visit for partner loan funds from Greece and Bulgaria – representatives of ΚΕΠΑ – Κέντρο Επιχειρηματικής & Πολιτιστικής Ανάπτυξης (KEPA), microSTARS and Микрофонд АД (Microfond). We talked about our experiences in working with microfirms, including social ones and visited […]

Suspension of the call for application for the First Business Support in Start II

Ladies and gentlemen, Please be informed that from today we are suspending the call for proposals for the First Business Support in Start II. The applications that were received by the TISE Fund in the second half of January 2019 were placed on the reserve list. We will inform you about the possible continuation of […]

The “Opolskie Innowacyjne” loan in TISE!

From today, micro, small and medium-sized companies from the Opole region can use the preferential loan “Innovations Opole”. The loan, the amount of which may amount to even PLN 1 million, will be granted for up to 7 years, and its preferential, fixed interest rate is only 1% per year!   Thanks to the loan, […]

Information for participants of the PROGRAMATOR Project

Please be advised that due to the need to complete all formalities related to the GDP, the trial training will take place at a later date. All project participants will receive e-mail information on this matter.