For over 25 years we support financing of the Social Economy and entrepreneurship

Towarzystwo Inwestycji

  • ul. Okopowa 56
  • 01-042 Warszawa

Towarzystwo Inwestycji
Społeczno-Ekonomicznych SA

Grupa Banku Credit Cooperatif Realizacja: Laboratorium EE

For over 25 years we support financing of the Social Economy and entrepreneurship

Social and Economic Investment Company TISE SA has 25 years of business history. It was established in 1991 by the BISE Bank, Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives (FISE) and the French investment fund SIDI. Today it is owned by the French bank Credit Cooperatif, which has financed social economy projects for over 120 years.

Initially TISE was in the business of project financing for small and medium enterprises through venture capital, granting credit guarantees and subordinated loans.

In 2002 TISE joined the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks – FEBEA, formed by 22 institutions financing social and ethical projects. TISE still remains the only Polish representative in FEBEA. Since 2006 TISE is the administrator of the European capital fund Coopest, which supports Social Economy entities.

Since 2008 TISE has been actively granting loans to NGOs, microenterprises and SMEs. Funds for this purpose are partly derived from TISE’s own funds, i.e. the company’s EUR 5m share capital. Since 2012 TISE’s operations have been also funded by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego [National Economy Bank] under agreements with the European Union, namely the Operational Programme “Development of Eastern Poland” and the Jeremie initiative, with funds equivalent to EUR 20m.

TISE is also a partner of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego in the pilot project co-financed by the European Social Fund under Measure 1.4 “Support to financial engineering for the development of social economy”.

The ES Fund established as part of the programme is endowed with PLN 25m destined for loans to social economy entities with a preferential interest rate of up to 0,88% p.a. maximum today! Our clients are labour cooperatives, cooperatives of the disabled and the blind, social cooperatives, NGOs, non-profit companies and ecclesiastical legal bodies.